Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Welcome To Our Course Blog

Hello and welcome to our course blog,

To contribute to a wider audience and conversation about content area literacy, each participant will write at least one blog post to be featured on the course blog.  This blog will be public and open for others to read, so posts should be thoughtful, research- and/or experience-based, and high-quality.  While one blog is required, participants may contribute additional posts, if they wish.  Posts will relate to one of the following themes, which will also be tags for the posts:

        Resource Recommendation:  Provide a “review” (summarization and personal synthesis) of one of the sources you read for your audit trail that you think would benefit other educators.  Include a citation (and a hyperlink, if possible) of the original source.

        Strategy Share:  Describe a strategy you’ve come across in your readings or course experiences that you think would benefit other educators.  Include a citation (and a hyperlink, if possible) of the original source.

        Classroom Spotlight:  Reflect on something you tried in your own classroom as a result of your readings or course experiences.  Include student work samples and photographs to help your readers visualize.  Be sure to honor student privacy (avoid using student names, faces, etc.).

        The Struggles are Real:  Reflect on an instructional roadblock you’re currently facing related to this course.  What is your struggle?  What have you tried?  What is working/not working?  Engage your fellow educators in a community of practice to help problem-solve and offer suggestions for getting around this roadblock. 

        Assessment:  How do we know what our students know?

        Other:  If there is another theme or topic that you’d like to write about, run your idea by the instructor for permission.

In addition, you will be expected to comment on two peers’ blog posts.  See Blog Rubric.  Due by Week 11.

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